赤沢嘉則 茄子 日本画
全国の芸術家や著名人から寄贈された作品約1500点を販売する「第92回朝日チャリティー美術展・東京展」を3月3日(金)から6日(月)まで東京・松屋銀座で開きます。寄贈者のご厚意により特別価格での販売(一部入札)です。作品をご寄贈いただいた約1千人の皆様にお礼を申し上げます。 収益は児童養護施設の子どもの進学支援、「認知症カフェ」を全国に広める取り組み、東日本大震災救援事業などの朝日新聞厚生文化事業団の社会福祉事業に役立てます。作品の購入を通してご支援をお願いします。≪入場無料≫朝日新聞特集紙面PDF◇日程と会場 2017年3月3日(金)~6日(月) 【前期】3、4日=日本画家、洋画家 ◇作品 絵画、陶工芸品(茶碗、花入、徳利など)、版画、掛け軸、色紙など約1500点(予定) ◇寄贈者 文化勲章受章者や文化功労者、芸術院会員、人間国宝を含む約千人。 ◇入場料 無料 ◇Next Art展 次世代のアートを担う若手作家の作品を推薦する「Next Art展」を同時開催。 ◆混雑を避けるため、3日、5日は午前8時30分から松屋銀座正面入り口で入場整理券を配ります。混み合う時間以外はクレジットカードのご利用が可能です。 主催 朝日新聞厚生文化事業団、朝日新聞社 |
京都新聞チャリティー美術展には 日本画作品を出品させていただきます。よろしくおねがいします。
パンフレットをご希望の方は、京都新聞社会福祉事業団 TEL 075(241)6186へ。
協力 ヤマト運輸(株)京都主管支店
Baby Basil Ⅰ
Baby Basil Ⅱ
Baby Basil Ⅲ
Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photographs, Digital, Mixed Media…
An international annual competition with the premise to show the variety of art medium. The aim is to gather and to exhibit contemporary works from all over the world and to contribute to the contacts and the exchange between artists, art lovers and collectors and to stimulate the research into Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photography…
With a Respect to the Quality of Art, not to the Size of Art!
Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photographs, Digital, Mixed Media…
An international annual competition with the premise to show the variety of art medium. The aim is to gather and to exhibit contemporary works from all over the world and to contribute to the contacts and the exchange between artists, art lovers and collectors and to stimulate the research into Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photography…
With a Respect to the Quality of Art, not to the Size of Art!
Eroico Fanciullo (Cuore Rosso e Bianco)
by Yoshinori Akazawa 2018
Da giovedì 16 maggio a venerdì 31 maggio, vetrina della Camera di Commercio di Forlì-Cesena e presso la Cappella del Priore della Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, “Allestite le nuove vetrine d’arte in Camera di Romagna e Fondazione”.
Nelle scene della femminea mondanità della mostra forlivese” Ottocento. L’arte dell’Italia tra Hayez e Segantini” la grande esposizione imperniata sull’Unità d’Italia , Svagarte ambienta idealmente le contemporanee tazzine di design provenienti dai 5 Continenti, di designers, artisti delle arti visive, architetti, ceramisti, scultori italiani e stranieri per un complesso di circa 200 esperienze.
L’evento Espresso and Cappuccino Cups si inserisce nella rassegna ” 800 più: forme d’arte in vetrina “, collaterale alla Grande Mostra e viene offerto al pubblico dei passanti che possono cogliere, in vetrina, i particolari o l’insieme di questa particolare collezione per tutto il tempo della manifestazione.
La presentazione avverrà presso la Galleria Artistica, in via Lazzaretto 17, giovedì 16 maggio alle 17.30 con un brindisi inaugurale.
Thursday 16th May, 5.30pm in Forli, @ “Artistica” Art Gallery, Presentation of the “Espresso and Cappuccino Cups” XI ^ Edition exhibition, curated by Rolando Giovannini,
ordered there with two other venues contextually by the curator of the event in Forlì , Arch.
Daniela Marchioni, President of Svagarte.
At 2 venues, Art works of Yoshinori Akazawa are exhibited
@Foundation building of the Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì : Chapel of the Prior ( Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 45)
@Romagna Chamber of Commerce of Forlì Cesena and Rimini (in Corso della Repubblica, 5 Forlì).
Presents Nicoletta Gobbi, Flyer with drawing by Alessandro Guerriero, Exhibition evolved from the original idea of an exhibition on the theme of the Coffee Cup by Sandra Baruzzi, implemented as the first event in Castellamonte at “Cantiere delle Arti”, with the title “Espresso and Cappuccino Cups”, in December 2017/2018 with the Patronage of Municipality of Castellamonte Turin, cover of the 1st edition of Guglielmo Marthyn’s catalog and curated by Rolando Giovannini
5月16日(木) 5.30pm
フォルリのガレリア・アルティスティカ(Artistica Gallery)において
“Espresso and Cappuccino Cups” XI ^ Edition exhibition,
@Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forli
(Chapel of the Prior, Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 45)
*ロマーニャ商工会議所 (フォルリ・チェゼーナ・リミニ)
@Camera di Commercio della Romagna – Forlì-Cesena e Rimini
(in Corso della Repubblica, 5 Forlì).
The International Small Art Phenomenon returns for the 12th year!
6×6 Party Month Kick-off: March 1
Entries Due: April 14 or Postmarked by April 13
Global Online Preview: May 17, 10am
In Gallery Preview (no purchasing):
May 27, 12-5pm
May 28, 12-5pm
May 29, 12-8pm
May 30, 12-8pm
May 31, 12-8pm
Opening Party & Artwork Sale: June 1, 4-10pm
7:30pm raffle for buyer positions #1-20
8:00pm purchasing open for all other buyers
Day of admission is $15/10 for members. Purchase advanced tickets here
Global Online Purchasing Begins: June 4 at 10am
Art of the Mix – 8th Annual Cocktail Fundraiser: June 3
Reserve your ticket here
Sold Out Artists’ Names Revealed Online: July 5
Purchased Artwork Pick-Up: July 14 – 17, 12-6pm
For more information: roco6x6.org
For 12 years Rochester Contemporary Art Center’s 6×6 has brought together thousands of original artworks, made and donated by celebrities, international & local artists, designers, youth and YOU. Each artist may enter up to three artworks of any medium (2D or 3D). Artworks must be six inches square and signed only on the back, to be exhibited anonymously. Participation is free. All artworks will be exhibited and for sale to the public for $20 each to benefit RoCo. Artists’ names will be revealed to the buyer upon purchase and all artworks remain on display through July 15. Limit three artworks per school.
Be a part of 6×6, the original international small art phenomenon. Entries accepted now through April 14. March is 6×6 Party Month. Get together with your friends and make art!
グローバル オンライン プレビュー:
5月17日, 10am
ギャラリーでのプレビュー (まだ購入できません):
5月27日 – 5月28日, 12-5pm
5月29日 – 5月31日, 12-8pm
オープニングパーティー; アートワークセール:
6月1日, 4-10pm
7:30pm raffle for buyer positions #1-20
8:00pm purchasing open for all other buyers
Day of admission is $15/10 for members
グローバル オンライン 購入開始:
6月4日 at 10am
Art of the Mix – Annual Cocktail Fundraiser:
Sold Out アーティストネーム オンラインでの公開:
7月14日 – 17日, 12-6pm
Shiawase-na-Mirai / Happy Futre : Yoshinori Akazawa
My work Shiawase-Na-Mirai (Futuro Feliz / Happy Future) has been SELECTED for the exhibition of the 39 Concurs Internacional de Ceràmica CICA 2019.
I am grad to inform to be selected my work in this edition 39 cica 2019 , L’Alicora, Spain.
I thank all so much.
スペインのアルコラ国際陶芸展 cica 2019 の入選作品リスト(オンラインで投票できます リンク先の美術館のページ)
List of works Finalists of Alcora Inernational ceramic competition cica 2019 ( Online Vote below link click)
From 12.07.2019 to 15.09.2019
Obras finalistas CICA 2019
Premio del Público
Puede participar en la votación para elegir la obra ganadora del PREMIO ESPECIAL DEL PÚBLICO, dotado con 2.800 € y patrocinado por la Caja Rural San José de l’Alcora. En esta página tiene la imagen y ficha técnica de todas las obras de la exposición. Para participar, debe hacer click en votar en la obra que usted elija. Solo se puede votar a una obra. Una vez enviado su voto, ya no podrá modificarlo.
Yoshinori Akazawa : 赤沢嘉則
Japón /Japan / Japon
Happy Future / Shiawase-na-Mirai
9,8x22x22 Cochin ware (estilo Kyoto).
Media porcelana
Comunicazione / Yoshinori AKAZAWA