Bibliography – Periodicals

Magazines & Newspapers

Kyoto Nihonga artist AKAZAWA, 4 seasons Flowers calender masterpieces exhibited, The Kyoto Shimbun newspaper (JA), Kyoto, Japan, 21 January 2014. [Text by Hiroki Mori]

Centre National de la Céramique D’art 20 ans deja!, La Presse Magazine (FR) No.1351 p13-17, Nelia GHARBI, Tunis, Tunisia, 2013.

Italian ceramic exhibition -57th Premio Faenza-, TOSETSU (JA) no.707, The Japan Ceramic Society, Tokyo, Japan, August 2011.[Text by Masahiro Karasawa] ISSN 0563 9522

Sokenji temple Special Exhibited for Public, At Azuchi catsle ruins from Today, The Kyoto Shimbun newspaper (JA), Kyoto, Japan, 5 April 2009. [Text by Hiroyuki Kitajima]

ILLUSON 5th International Ceramics Biennale in Kapfenberg, neue keramik (DE)= new ceramics (EN), 08/02, Germany, March 2008. [Text by Astrid Kury] ISSN 1860-1049

New young painting artists, Hana-Bijutsukan 2 (JA), Soukai-syuppan, Tokyo, Japan, 2007. [Text by Atsushi Goto] ISBN 9784881430361

Critical text: Exhibition catalog

2019 ‘Going to Pieces. New Harmony, Softness and Musicality (Reflections on the work of the Master artist Yoshinori Akazawa)’=’Un andar per frammenti. Nuova armonia, sovità e musicalità (Riflessione sull’opera del Maestro artista Yoshinori Akazawa.)'(IT p.8-9/EN p.10-11/JA p.12-13); Dr. Rolando Giovannini (English translation:John Wheatley),’Thinker in Space’Yoshinori Akazawa Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition 2019, Kyoto, Kyoto Ceramic Center, Japan 2019 January 18 : ISBN 978-4-9903285-0-4

2019 ‘Ceramics dressed in colors. From Esplugues (BCN) to Kyoto’ (CAT p.5/ES p.5/EN p.6/JA p.6); Dr. Roser Vilardell Tarruella ,’Thinker in Space’ Yoshinori Akazawa Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition 2019, Kyoto, Kyoto Ceramic Center, Japan 2019 January 18 : ISBN 978-4-9903285-0-4

2019 A ‘Thinker in Space’ (EN/JA p.2); Kazuma Shimomura (English translation:Gavin Frew),’Thinker in Space’Yoshinori Akazawa Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition 2019, Kyoto, Kyoto Ceramic Center, Japan 2019 January 18 : ISBN 978-4-9903285-0-4

2013 ‘IL PREMIO FAENZA E L’ARTE CERAMICA CONTEMPORANEA GIAPPONESE’ (IT); Dr.Claudia Casali,Ceramica contemporanea giapponese in Italia: il Premio Faenza/” Opere dalle Collezioni del Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza, Rome, Istituto Giapponese di Cultura, Italy

2011 ‘Il Premio Faenza e le presenze giapponesi’Ceramica Viva I ceramisiti giapponesi premiati a Faenza Catalogue (JA,IT) : Dr.Claudia Casali, Istituto Italinao di Cultura di Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2011 September
2009 June ’56th Premio Faenza / International Ceramic Art Competition’ Catalog (EN, IT); Dr.Franco Bertoni,MIC,Faenza, Italy


2023 Tribute, Imai Masayuki, IAC International Ceramic Academy Bulletin No. 140, Geneva, Switzerland

2019 The Light of Communication: Rolando Giovannini and Japan (EN, IT, JA), ROLANDO GIOVANNINI, carta bianca editore, Via E. Fermi 18, Faenza, Italy, ISBN 9788897550402

2013 Post-war Art -Focusing on the 1950s- (JA), Kyoto City University of Arts K.C.U.A / Art Education Society Research Journal “Bi” No. 190, Kyoto, June 20, 2013

2012 Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Relief Charity Auction SILENT@KCUA (JA), Kyoto City University of Arts K.C.U.A / Art Education Society Research Journal “Bi” No. 187, Kyoto, June 25, 2012