Baby Basil Ⅰ
Baby Basil Ⅱ
Baby Basil Ⅲ
Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photographs, Digital, Mixed Media…
An international annual competition with the premise to show the variety of art medium. The aim is to gather and to exhibit contemporary works from all over the world and to contribute to the contacts and the exchange between artists, art lovers and collectors and to stimulate the research into Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photography…
With a Respect to the Quality of Art, not to the Size of Art!
Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photographs, Digital, Mixed Media…
An international annual competition with the premise to show the variety of art medium. The aim is to gather and to exhibit contemporary works from all over the world and to contribute to the contacts and the exchange between artists, art lovers and collectors and to stimulate the research into Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photography…
With a Respect to the Quality of Art, not to the Size of Art!