
9a Espresso and Cappuccino Cups (Ariano Irpino) @ Museo Civico e della Ceramica
May 19 @ 3:00 PM – Jun 30 @ 9:00 PM
Eroico Fanciullo (Cuore Rosso) 2018 Yoshinori Akazawa

Eroico Fanciullo (Cuore Rosso)
2018 Yoshinori Akazawa

9a Espresso and Cappuccino Cups

Mostra dedicata alla tazzina in ceramica.

Il “Museo Civico e della Ceramica” ospiterà la Mostra Espresso and Cappuccino Cups, a cura di Rolando Giovannini (designer, esperto di Ceramica e teorico del Design, Membro IAC, autore di saggi, articoli e tre libri sul tema della progettazione e decorazione ad uso scolastico ed accademico, fondatore del Movimento “NeoCeramica”).

In mostra, tazzine di 130 artisti internazionali provenienti 5 continenti e da 33 Stati (68 Artisti dall’italia). Un gioco creativo ideato da Sandra Baruzzi, docente del Liceo Artistico di Castellamonte e divenuto mostra grazie allo stesso Giovannini che vede opere provenienti da l’Università di “Gendan Istitute of Beijing University of Technology” Beijing PR China, “Academy of Art & Design Zhengzhou Universuty of Light Industry”, Zhenghou Henan Province PR China ed altri.

Sarà realizzato il nuovo catalogo 176 pagine in cui sarà incluso il lavoro di una decina di artisti inediti.

Nel workshop “Una tazzina per Ariano”, il maestro Giovannini guiderà gli studenti del Liceo Artistico Design ceramica Ruggero II di Ariano Irpino ad un risultato di qualità comprensibile a livello nazionale e internazionale.

Inaugurazione 17 maggio, ore 16.

La mostra sarà vistabile dal 19 maggio al 30 giugno 2018 in orario di ufficio:
Lunedì Chiuso, Martedì e giovedì 8.00-14.00 – 15.00 – 18.00, Mercoledì e venerdi e sabato 8.00-14.00.

In occasione di Buongiorno Ceramica, una parte di questa esposizione sarà ospitata alla Reggia di Caserta, nell’evento dedicato alle Città della Ceramica Campane >

Per informazioni:
Museo Civico e della Ceramica
tel. +39 0825 8755107

第9回エスプレッソ&カプチーノ カップ (アリアノ・イルピーノ 展) @ アリアノ・イルピーノ陶芸美術館
May 19 @ 3:00 PM – Jun 30 @ 9:00 PM
Eroico Fanciullo (Cuore Rosso) 2018 Yoshinori Akazawa

Eroico Fanciullo (Cuore Rosso)
2018 Yoshinori Akazawa

Espresso and Cappuccino Cups



Per informazioni:
アリアノ・イルピーノ陶芸美術館(Museo Civico e della Ceramica)
電話 +39 0825 8755107

“JAPAN” YOSHINORI AKAZAWA Solo Ceramic Exhibition @ Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main store 6th floor Art Square
May 30 @ 10:00 AM – Jun 5 @ 4:00 PM
赤沢嘉則 陶展「ジャパン」 @ 日本橋三越本店 本館 6階 アートスクエア
May 30 @ 10:00 AM – Jun 5 @ 4:00 PM
赤沢嘉則 陶展「ジャパン」 @ 日本橋三越本店 本館 6階 アートスクエア | 中央区 | 東京都 | 日本

東京 日本橋三越本店 本館6階 美術フロア アートスクエア にて 赤沢嘉則 陶展 ジャパン 開催しました。


赤沢嘉則 陶展 ジャパン  オンラインカタログを見る

Dec 12 2018 @ 5:00 PM – Mar 30 2019 @ 1:00 AM

Yoshinori Akazawa’s drawing works are shown in this exhibition




Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photographs, Digital, Mixed Media…

An international annual competition with the premise to show the variety of art medium. The aim is to gather and to exhibit contemporary works from all over the world and to contribute to the contacts and the exchange between artists, art lovers and collectors and to stimulate the research into Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photography…

With a Respect to the Quality of Art, not to the Size of Art!

第9回 レッセドラ国際 ペインティング&ミクストメディア コンペティション 2018-2019 ソフィア ブルガリア @ LESSEDRA Gallery
Dec 12 2018 @ 5:00 PM – Mar 30 2019 @ 1:00 AM
アカザワヨシノリ(Yoshinori Akazawa) は平面のドローイング作品(小品)をこの展覧会に出品しています。
第9回 レッセドラ国際 ペインティング&ミクストメディア コンペティション 2018-2019

世界各地からの現代アート作品を展示し芸術家 芸術愛好家やコレクター間の交流をはかることに貢献するとともに ペインティング、ドローイング、コラージュ、水彩や写真などへの研究を促進することを目的とする。

(LESSEDRA Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects)



YOSHINORI AKAZAWA Contemporary Ceramic Exhibition ‘Thinker In Space’
Jan 18 @ 10:00 AM – Jan 30 @ 6:00 PM





works ‘Comedia’ 2016 : by Yoshinori Akazawa , Photo by Takashi Hatakeyama

The artist, AKAZAWA Yoshinori, transcends genres, being active in ceramics, nihonga-style painting and photography, both here in Japan and abroad. Born into a family of Kyōyaki potters famous for its Kōchi-ware (Kōchi-yaki, Cochin-ware) ceramics, he discovered an affinity existed between the nihonga-style of painting that he studied in university, the beauty of mosaic patterns and the materials used in Kōchi-ware, so he set about combining these various elements in his creative works.

This exhibition will feature works that have returned to Japan from open exhibitions abroad. In other words, it will provide the opportunity to see works selected by various people possessing differing aesthetics and values, all in one place. These works, which are a result of combining traditional Kōchi-ware techniques with inspiration acquired overseas, allow us a glimpse of the artist, others, the passage of time and the relationships that exist between different countries. The artist describes this sense, which surpasses time and space, as being that of a ‘thinker in space’, and we have used this as the title for the exhibition. We hope that this exhibition will serve to bring further innovation to the field of Kyōyaki ceramics.

Kyoto Ceramic Center

Thanks to
Critical text:

Rolando Giovannini (Milan and Faenza, Italy)
Professor in
Ceramic Materials in Architecture. Knowledge and Conservation
In SSBAP, Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici e del Paesaggio.
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani.

Roser Vilardell Tarruella (Barcelona, Spain)


1971 born, live in Kyoto
1995 BFA / Kyoto City University of Arts fine arts, Nihonga (Japanese style painting)
2002 Nihonga painting solo exhibiton ‘Hana-no-Ame (Flower Shower)’ Sakaimachi Garow (Kyoto, Japan)
2009-2010 ‘15 Fusumae (painting for Fusuma) donation as requiem for Nobunaga Oda’ Soken-ji temple,  The ruins of Azuchi Castle (Azuchi / Shiga, Japan)
2016 ‘MADE IN JAPAN’ MIC International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza, Faenza, Italy
2017 ‘Honorable mention’ & ‘Prize of Targa Argent’ 39th International Ceramic Art Competition of Gualdo Tadino City (Gualdo Tadino, Perugia, Italy)
2018 Ceramic solo exhibition ‘JAPAN‘ Nihombashi Mitsukoshi main store Art square (Tokyo, Japan)

赤沢嘉則 陶展 空の思考 @ 京都陶磁器会館
Jan 18 @ 10:00 AM – Jan 30 @ 6:00 PM

赤沢嘉則 陶展 ~空の思考~


 赤沢嘉則さんは、陶芸・日本画・写真と様々なジャンルを超えて、国内外で活動される美術家です。 交趾で名高い窯元にお生まれになり、大学で学ばれた日本画や、モザイクの美しさとその素材の交趾との親和性の発見など、様々な要素をもとに制作されてきました。



赤沢嘉則(あかざわ・よしのり) 略歴

1971 生まれ 現在 京都市在住

1994 京都市立芸術大学 美術学部 卒業

2002 京都 堺町画廊にて日本画個展「華の雨」

2009-10 安土城跡 総見寺 襖絵15面「老桜」「相生」制作 奉納

2016 「Made in Japan メイド・イン・ジャパン」

ファエンツァ国際陶芸美術館所蔵 20世紀の日本陶芸展 (イタリア)

2017 「第39回グアルド・タディーノ国際陶芸展」にて銀賞受賞 (イタリア)

2018 赤沢嘉則 陶展「JAPAN (ジャパン)」日本橋三越本店 (東京)


Espresso and Cappuccino Cups 2019 XI Edizione (Forlì) @ Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì
May 16 @ 5:00 PM – Jun 1 @ 1:00 AM




Eroico Fanciullo (Cuore Rosso e Bianco)

Eroico Fanciullo (Cuore Rosso e Bianco)

by Yoshinori Akazawa 2018




Espresso and Cappuccino Cups

XI Edizione

Da giovedì 16 maggio a venerdì 31 maggio, vetrina della Camera di Commercio di Forlì-Cesena e presso la Cappella del Priore della Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, “Allestite le nuove vetrine d’arte in Camera di Romagna e Fondazione”.
Nelle scene della femminea mondanità della mostra forlivese” Ottocento. L’arte dell’Italia tra Hayez e Segantini” la grande esposizione imperniata sull’Unità d’Italia , Svagarte ambienta idealmente le contemporanee tazzine di design provenienti dai 5 Continenti, di designers, artisti delle arti visive, architetti, ceramisti, scultori italiani e stranieri per un complesso di circa 200 esperienze.
L’evento Espresso and Cappuccino Cups si inserisce nella rassegna ” 800 più: forme d’arte in vetrina “, collaterale alla Grande Mostra e viene offerto al pubblico dei passanti che possono cogliere, in vetrina, i particolari o l’insieme di questa particolare collezione per tutto il tempo della manifestazione.
La presentazione avverrà presso la Galleria Artistica, in via Lazzaretto 17, giovedì 16 maggio alle 17.30 con un brindisi inaugurale.

Espresso and Cappuccino Cups

11th Edition

Thursday 16th May, 5.30pm in Forli, @ “Artistica” Art Gallery, Presentation of the “Espresso and Cappuccino Cups” XI ^ Edition exhibition, curated by Rolando Giovannini,

ordered there with two other venues contextually by the curator of the event in Forlì , Arch.

Daniela Marchioni, President of Svagarte.

At 2 venues, Art works of Yoshinori Akazawa are exhibited

@Foundation building of the Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì : Chapel of the Prior ( Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 45)

@Romagna Chamber of Commerce of Forlì Cesena and Rimini (in Corso della Repubblica, 5 Forlì).

Presents Nicoletta Gobbi, Flyer with drawing by Alessandro Guerriero, Exhibition evolved from the original idea of an exhibition on the theme of the Coffee Cup by Sandra Baruzzi, implemented as the first event in Castellamonte at “Cantiere delle Arti”, with the title “Espresso and Cappuccino Cups”, in December 2017/2018 with the Patronage of Municipality of Castellamonte Turin, cover of the 1st edition of Guglielmo Marthyn’s catalog and curated by Rolando Giovannini


イタリア フォルリ展

5月16日(木) 5.30pm 

フォルリのガレリア・アルティスティカ(Artistica Gallery)において
“Espresso and Cappuccino Cups” XI ^ Edition exhibition,





@Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forli

(Chapel of the Prior, Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 45)

*ロマーニャ商工会議所 (フォルリ・チェゼーナ・リミニ)

@Camera di Commercio della Romagna – Forlì-Cesena e Rimini

(in Corso della Repubblica, 5 Forlì).

6X6X2019 NY The International Small Art Phenomenon @ Rochester Contemporary Art Center (RoCo)
Jun 1 @ 11:00 PM – Jul 15 @ 6:00 AM


JUNE 1, 2019 – JULY 14, 2019

*Drawing works of Yoshinori Akazawa are included in this charity exhibition

The International Small Art Phenomenon returns for the 12th year!

6×6 Party Month Kick-off: March 1
Entries Due: April 14 or Postmarked by April 13
Global Online Preview: May 17, 10am
In Gallery Preview (no purchasing):
May 27, 12-5pm
May 28, 12-5pm
May 29, 12-8pm
May 30, 12-8pm
May 31, 12-8pm
Opening Party & Artwork Sale: June 1, 4-10pm
7:30pm raffle for buyer positions #1-20
8:00pm purchasing open for all other buyers
Day of admission is $15/10 for members. Purchase advanced tickets here
Global Online Purchasing Begins: June 4 at 10am
Art of the Mix – 8th Annual Cocktail Fundraiser: June 3
Reserve your ticket here
Sold Out Artists’ Names Revealed Online: July 5
Purchased Artwork Pick-Up: July 14 – 17, 12-6pm

For more information:

For 12 years Rochester Contemporary Art Center’s 6×6 has brought together thousands of original artworks, made and donated by celebrities, international & local artists, designers, youth and YOU. Each artist may enter up to three artworks of any medium (2D or 3D). Artworks must be six inches square and signed only on the back, to be exhibited anonymously. Participation is free. All artworks will be exhibited and for sale to the public for $20 each to benefit RoCo. Artists’ names will be revealed to the buyer upon purchase and all artworks remain on display through July 15. Limit three artworks per school.

Be a part of 6×6, the original international small art phenomenon. Entries accepted now through April 14. March is 6×6 Party Month. Get together with your friends and make art!


6月1日, 2019 – 7月14日, 2019

*赤沢嘉則のドローイング作品 もこのアートセンターのためのチャリティー美術展で展示されます


グローバル オンライン プレビュー:
5月17日, 10am
ギャラリーでのプレビュー (まだ購入できません):
5月27日 – 5月28日, 12-5pm
5月29日 – 5月31日, 12-8pm
オープニングパーティー; アートワークセール:
6月1日, 4-10pm
7:30pm raffle for buyer positions #1-20
8:00pm purchasing open for all other buyers
Day of admission is $15/10 for members
グローバル オンライン 購入開始:
6月4日 at 10am
Art of the Mix – Annual Cocktail Fundraiser:
Sold Out アーティストネーム オンラインでの公開:
7月14日 – 17日, 12-6pm