
39 CICA 2019 @ Museu de Ceràmica de l’Alcora, Spain
Jul 12 @ 5:00 PM – Sep 16 @ 12:00 AM

Shiawase-na-Mirai / Happy Futre : Yoshinori Akazawa

39 CICA 2019

39 Concurs Internacional de Ceràmica

My work Shiawase-Na-Mirai (Futuro Feliz / Happy Future) has been SELECTED for the exhibition of the 39 Concurs Internacional de Ceràmica CICA 2019.

I am grad to inform to be selected my work in this edition 39 cica 2019 , L’Alicora, Spain.
I thank all so much.

スペインのアルコラ国際陶芸展 cica 2019 の入選作品リスト(オンラインで投票できます リンク先の美術館のページ
List of works Finalists of Alcora Inernational ceramic competition cica 2019 ( Online Vote below link click)
From 12.07.2019 to 15.09.2019

Obras finalistas CICA 2019
Premio del Público
Puede participar en la votación para elegir la obra ganadora del PREMIO ESPECIAL DEL PÚBLICO, dotado con 2.800 € y patrocinado por la Caja Rural San José de l’Alcora. En esta página tiene la imagen y ficha técnica de todas las obras de la exposición. Para participar, debe hacer click en votar en la obra que usted elija. Solo se puede votar a una obra. Una vez enviado su voto, ya no podrá modificarlo.



Yoshinori Akazawa : 赤沢嘉則
Japón /Japan / Japon
Happy Future / Shiawase-na-Mirai
9,8x22x22 Cochin ware (estilo Kyoto).
Media porcelana

Concorso Internazionale ‘CERAMICS IN LOVE-MARCO POLO’ 2024 @ Piazza Martiri 10081 Castellamonte, Piedmont, Italy
Aug 24 @ 5:00 PM – Sep 16 @ 12:00 AM

Concorso Internazionale ‘CERAMICS IN LOVE-MARCO POLO’ 2024

“63° Mostra Internazionale della Ceramica di Castellamonte”

Museo della Ceramica Palazzo Botton (Castellamonte, Torino, Italia)
24 agosto 2024 – 30 settembre 2024

Work 作品

Prima segnalata l’opera «Buon viaggio» di Yoshinori Akazawa.
il concorso «Ceramics in love – Marco Polo»
63 della Mostra della Ceramica di Mostra della Ceramica – Castellamonte 2024

“International Competition ‘CERAMICS IN LOVE-MARCO POLO’ 2024”

“63rd Exhibition of Ceramics in Castellamonte”
Ceramic Museum Palazzo Botton (Castellamonte, Turin, Italy)

24 August 2024 – 15 September 2024

In Italy Castellamonte, Yoshinori Akazawa ceramic work «Buon Viaggio» awarded Ceramics in Love – Marco polo -.

イタリアのカステッラモンテ国際陶芸コンクール Ceramics in Love -Marco polo- 2024 で陶芸作品 « Buon Viaggio » が入賞しました。

国際陶芸コンクール”Ceramics in Love -Marco Polo” 2024

第63回 カステッラモンテ陶芸展

カステッラモンテ陶芸美術館・パラッツォボトン (イタリア)


‘Mediterranean Ceramics and their Global Influence’ IAC Members’ Selected Exhibition IAC 2024 Portugal @ Armazém das Artes, Alcobaça, Portugal
Sep 16 2024 @ 6:00 PM – Jan 1 2025 @ 2:00 AM

IAC Members’ Selected Exhibition 2024

‘Mediterranean Ceramics and their Global Influence’

From 16 September to 31 December 2024
At the Armazém das Artes – Alcobaça, Portugal


@アルマゼムダズアルツ・アートセンター (ポルトガル)
[2024 令和6年9月16日→12月31日]

おしらせ:赤沢嘉則の陶芸作品「The Surface」が国際陶芸アカデミー会員選抜展に選ばれました。2024令和6年9月16日から9月20日までポルトガルのアルコバサで開催されるIAC国際陶芸アカデミー2024ポルトガル大会の期間に合わせてアルマゼムダズアルツ・アートセンターにて展示されます。

The Surface 2024

The Surface 2024



| 16.09.2024 – 31.12.2024 |

Opening: 16.09.2024

Curators: Alberto Guerreiro, José Antunes

Given its geostrategic importance, the Mediterranean has been the stage for countless historical events, many of them inseparable from the cultural progress of humanity, producing an impact that extends well beyond its territorial dimension – Portugal being a case in point – establishing itself as one of the most influential cultures in the world.

This exhibition reveals precisely how this influence can be established in the artistic universe of contemporary ceramics. Based on a competition organized by the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC) and aimed at all of its members, forty-four (45) artists from twenty-six (26) countries were selected, and their work clearly demonstrates the inspirational power of the ancient culture of the Mediterranean.

The exhibition is a rare opportunity to come into contact with a multifaceted set of works of great artistic quality in terms of what is being produced today in the field of international designer ceramics, expressed either by following the artistic tradition and techniques of antiquity, or through innovation, using renewed techniques reporting current socio-cultural or geopolitical themes inherent in the context of the Mediterranean or the world in which we live, such as forced migration, climate change or the timeless theme of the ‘conflict’ of cultures.

Featuring the artwork of Arina Ailincai, Yoshinori Akazawa, Ali Alawadh, Shanyar Algarad, Montserrat Altet Girbau, Kay Aplin, Mahmoud Baghaeian, Andrea Barker, Orlando Basulto, Jenny Beavan, Ute Kathrin Beck, Andrew Burton, Jovana Čavorivć, Ray Chen, Lisa Creskey, Gao Daqing, Vassos Demetriou, Karima Duchamp, Elizabeth Dychter, Narges Faharani, Lynn Frydman Kuhn, Shamai Gibsh, France Goneau, Wen-Hsi Harman, Jen-daw Hwang, Alejandra Jones, Maria Joanna Juchnowska, Phyllis Kudder Sullivan, Young Min Lee, Jordi Marcet & Rosa Vila-Abadal, Carlos Martínez García, Heide Nonnenmacher, Carlos Prado, Karin Putsch-Grassi, Lana Rakanovic, Shoji Satake, Valentina Savic, Adel Souki, Kala Stein, Hongyu Tan, Annika Teder, Judit Varga, Velimir Vukicevic, Fabienne Withofs and Adil Writer.


Armazém das Artes
R. Eng. Duarte Pacheco 38

Thur – Fri 2pm – 5pm
Sat – Sun 10am – 12:30pm, 2pm – 6pm
